There are many different types of anesthesia that can be administered in a dental office. There are also many different types of anesthesia providers. Sedation can range from laughing gas all the way up to levels of deep unconsciousness. Many dentists can provide minimal sedation, where you or your child is still awake. When deeper levels of sedation is required, the dentist is required to either have a general anesthesia permit or they must bring in an anesthesiologist who has one. When looking for an anesthesiologist for the dental setting, make sure to choose one that trained specifically for the outpatient dental office and is board certified with the American Dental Board of Anesthesiology.
Patients typically wake up anywhere between 5 and 20 minutes after the dental work is completed. The medications used are very short acting and patients will typically feel back to normal within a few hours.
No, you will not remember any of the dental procedure.
Yes. The anesthesiologist is constantly watching and monitoring your vital signs and is there the entire time you are asleep. In addition, a nurse will also be assisting the anesthesiologist.
Your doctor and dental anesthesiologists in general have additional training and requirements that far exceeds the training of a traditional anesthesiologist. This includes hundreds of pediatric sedation and general anesthesia cases in both the hospital and dental office. In fact, about 90% of patients who are sedated in dental offices are pediatric and/or have special needs.